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Platica - Heart To Heart Talk
Platica Bundle

Single Platica: Heart To Heart Talk - $150 / 1 Hour



Six Platica: Heart To Heart Talk Package - $720 / 6 Hours


Platica: Heart to Heart Talk is uncensored, open conversation with Antoinette to bring clarity to confusion, inner-standing of feelings, and space for clear thinking and reflection. Platica is for you if you are at a crossroad in your life calling for an assessment, an over-haul, or deeper look at whatever your situation is. 


Whether it involves relationships, work, or life purpose issues, if you are experiencing a barrage of heavy energies and challenging portals, it can be related to anything from karmic debt, ancestral issues, to growing pains: an initiation, as you expand your awareness and start to question the fabric of your life.


Antoinette will hold space, witness, and counsel you to be present, bring clarity, and advice you from a spiritual perspective, to calm your emotional body and guide your mental body to learn new perspectives and tools to move away from debilitating old patterns, habits, and programs.


Sometimes all it takes is a little guidance and space to witness an issue for it to resolve itself, other times it can be an overwhelming journey and it takes more nurturing care.


Heart to Heart talk may include guided meditations or somatic work and homework / rituals. Please prepare a private space with wifi connection.


Antoinette's passion is to support you to become whole and sovereign, more confident with self-love, to align, embody and express your soul's truth in your daily life. 

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