Land & Soul
Poppy Jones is a phyto=therpist in service to sharing and transmitting the health and wealth, wisdom and intelligence inherent in Nature
Poppy Jones is
a phyto=therpist in
service to sharing and transmitting the health
and wealth, wisdom and intelligence inherent in Nature Poppy Jones is a phyto=therpist in service to sharing and transmitting the health and wealth, wisdom and intelligence inherent in Nature Poppy Jones is a phyto=therpist in service to sharing and transmitting the health and wealth, wisdom
and intelligence natur
nherent in Nature
a phy
Poppy Jones is a phyto=therpist in service
to sharing and transmitting the health and wealth, wisdom and intelligence inherent in Nature and transmitting the health and wealth, wisdom and intelligence inherent in Nature
land & water
foraging, identification, nature walks
plant medicine for people
1 - meet & greet, initial consultation
2 - customized research, deep dive
3 - herbal prescription guidance
4 - maintenance & update care